Horror Movie Recommendation: The Deep HouseWhen I say underwater horror movie, I mean UNDERWATER...
Category - Reviews
Three Australian Horror Movies to Thrill ya and Chill ya!
G’night Mate: Three Aussie horror movies to thrill ya and chill ya!I want you to know about...
How Have I Never Heard Of This: Intruder
How Have I Never Heard of This? The 80s horror movie: IntruderWe have all said it at some point;...
Review: “The Vigil” And Why It May Be A Perfect...
Horror Movie Review: The VigilSpoiler-Free Section.The Vigil Plot: A Jewish man who has recently...
“The Exorcist” Overrated Horror or Psychological...
The Exorcist: Overrated Horror or Psychological Masterpiece?Linda Blair & William Friedkin on...
Does It Hold Up To The Hype? John Carpenter’s “They...
Does it hold up to the hype? John Carpenter’s They LiveOver the course of our lives, we have...