Horror Short Film: Night CrawlTwo prisoners plan a daring escape through a make-shift tunnel. Their...
Author - Daniel Weiss
“Cargo” A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Film: CargoIt is the post-zombie outbreak world, and a man must get his child to...
“A Father’s Day” A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Film: A Father’s DayZombies have feelings too? In this horror short film...
“Pictured” A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Film: PicturedFrom director David F Sandberg (Lights Out, Annabelle: Creation, and...
Scary Movies and Shows You Can Watch With Your Kids!
Horror-themed TV shows and movies that you can watch with your kids!Every parent has their own...
“Make Me A Sandwich” A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Film: Make Me A Sandwich by Deformed LunchboxIn this horror short film, an abused...