Horror Short Movie: AlexaIn this horror short movie, “Alexa” While others are out trick...
Author - Daniel Weiss
“Curve” A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Movie: CurveWe all have fears like spiders, being buried alive… and taxes, but...
“Welcome to Our Home” A Horror-Comedy Short Film
Short Horror-Comedy Movie: Welcome to Our HomeIn this horror-comedy short film, “Welcome to...
Scream Queens In Conversation: Jamie Lee Curtis and Neve Campbell
Scream Queens in Conversation: Jamie Lee Curtis & Neve CampbellVariety created a video of Jamie...
“Knock” A Halloween Horror Short Film
Halloween Short Horror Movie: KnockIn this horror short movie, “Knock” a young girl is...
“Happy Halloween” (2021) A Horror Short Film
Horror Short Movie: Happy Halloween (2021)Happy Halloween!! If you are on this site, it is probably...