Horror Short Movie: The Sleep Watcher
In this horrifying horror short film, “The Sleep Watcher” by Social House Films, a young woman is terrorized in her bedroom as she tries to sleep by an unknown entity.
If you have experienced any sleep paralysis, this short will SCARE you even more! The film is dark, so watch it with the lights out and in full screen as it captivates you and delivers goosebumps down your spine! If you’re looking for jump scares, look elsewhere. “The Sleep Watcher” gives a looming and eerie doom feeling throughout…
Directed by: Aaron Fradkin
Produced by: Social House Films
Starring: Victoria Fratz Fradkin
Music by: Robot Disco Puma
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to Horror!
Social House Films are some of our favorite indie horror filmmakers right now, and if you want to see MORE, check out some of our other favorite horror shorts in our videos section! You can also read our in-depth interview with Aaron Fradkin and Victoria Fratz Fradkin about their inspirations and indie horror filmmaking!!
Check out the horror-comedy film Val by Social House Films. It’s an outrageously good time! Available streaming and for rental.
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