
Our Top Quotable Lines
From Horror Movies!

Written by Daniel Weiss

Our Top Horror Movie Quotes!

Everyone has those lines from horror movies that they just can’t help themselves from saying when the moment is right…even if you are the only one that will get it. 

1: “Boo Gah!” – Scream
Who does not like yelling boogah at someone? Who? 

2: “Carol Anne! Don’t go into the light!” – Poltergeist
Perfect at parties when someone turns on the lights.

3: “Here’s Johnny!” – The Shining/The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
Great when entering the home of a horror movie fan or a fan of late-night talk shows from the 60s.

4: “They’re coming to get you Barbara!” – Night of the Living Dead
There is nothing more fun than turning to the person next to you and saying this. 

5: “This is My Boomstick!”

“Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!” 

“Honey, you got reeeal ugly!”


“Klaatu barada (cough), Ok then.” – Army of Darkness
You know what, pretty much just the whole movie is quotable.

6: “We all go a little mad sometimes.” – Psycho
Sometimes you get a little nutty and you need the words of Norman Bates to help you express yourself. 

7: “Come play with us Danny!” – The Shining
It is the best way to invite someone out. 

8: “Do you want to play a game?” – Saw
Who doesn’t like playing games? Especially when invited by your friend with a deep voice. 

9: “Not the bees! Not the Bees!” – The Wicker Man (2006)
There isn’t a bad time to say this. Especially while watching “My Girl.” too soon?

10: “We have such sights to show you.” – Hellraiser
You have sights and people need to see them.

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