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Married to Horror’s
Best of Horror Posts 2021!

Check out Married to Horror's Best of 2021!
Written by C+D Weiss

Best Horror Content of 2021

Over the course of 2021, we have posted countless horror videos, recommendations, reviews, and more (countless because we are not great at math). We even hosted a fantastic Halloween costume contest. We were busy rabid beavers last year, and we are not stopping now. Thank you for being a part of our community as Married to Horror continues to support independent horror artists and filmmakers!

Here are some of our favorite/best posts of 2021 that you may have missed, forgotten, or want to check out again! Enjoy!


Fear Filter, Dead Painter, The Ballerina, Make Me a Sandwich,
The Mime, The Hug, Ignore It, Lippy.


Renaissance of Horror Noir, Top Horror films on Netflix, Scary Movies You Can Watch With Your Kids, Horror Films by Spanish Filmmakers.


Does it Hold up to the Hype: They Live, Retrospective: Critters, The Exorcist: Overrated Horror or Psychological Masterpiece?, Take A Stab At Horror: Classics.


Indie Horror Film Making: An Interview With Social House Films, Review: The Vigil, Exploring Special Effects Make-Up with Jacqueline Holden, and Featured Artist: T.M Gallows.

Keep coming back to see what we have in store for 2022!!!!!

*Feature Image Photo Credit* Chelms Varthoumlien. Follow on Twitter @varlien.

Looking for more? Check out Married to Horror selections in our recommendations and List Section! Also, take a peek at our Master Watch List; where you can find an array of horror films sorted by title, platform, rating, and more!

Questions, comments, or want to tell us we are awesome? Comment below or email us at! You can also follow our Facebook group Married to Horror and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @marriedtohorror.

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