HBO Max’s Halloween is Here Programming
We went to the HBO Max app to watch a movie and were very surprised to see that HBO is killing it in the Halloween department. Their Halloween is Here content as a whole, gives me a warm fuzzy Halloween feeling. Please note that Married to Horror is in no way affiliated with nor sponsored by HBO, tho we would love to be, wink. We just love this programming.
First off, their categories are done in such a creative and fun way. They did not just throw up a bunch of random horror movies and call it a Halloween list. One of my favorite parts of the month of October has always been television show Halloween episodes. If you are like me, then you will enjoy the “Bobbing for Episodes” section.
Scroll down a few sections and you will get to the “31 Days of Tricks or Treats“, which is three doors inspired by the movie “It“. Not Scary At All, Scary, and Very Scary. Behind each door is a movie or TV episode that fits each door’s description, and the options change daily!
Some of the available categories and titles:
Magic and Witchcraft
With these titles and more:

Creature Features
With these titles and more:

Your Waking Nightmare
With these titles and more:

Go and check out the fun on the HBO MAX app!
More From Married to Horror
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