Horror Movie & Television Show Recommendations
Find out what’s streaming and available for video on demand to watch at home.
Looking for a new horror movie recommendation and want something to snuggle up and scream to? Here is a horror movie and series watch list we started at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Find out our recommendations and what we thought of each movie or show.
We’ve watched content from Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Showtime, Shudder, and more! Our watch list is alphabetically sorted by title, horror genre, type (show or film), and streaming platform. This horror watch list also includes a trailer, our rating (1-5), and a brief review. Our rating system starts with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best. You can search with keywords for the title, sub-genre, platform, rating, and more! Our list is updated frequently. Enjoy!
*Scroll to the right to see the trailer, rating, and a short review*
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Cover Photo by Freestocks (edited by MTH)
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